Services offered by Kai

For me, it is all about peo­ple. The last years have seen a rapid adoption of digital technologies to our private and business lifes. How­ev­er, all of these ben­e­fits and ad­vances came at the down­side of abu­sive busi­ness prac­tices like data bro­ker­age, too much risk ex­po­sure show­ing in Cy­berse­cu­ri­ty and Pri­va­cy in­ci­dents and non-de­sired side-ef­fects of digi­tal busi­ness mod­els like hate speech and fake news.

Be­com­ing trust­wor­thy and strength­en­ing „Trust in Tech“ is an up-lev­el­ing of the se­cu­ri­ty con­ver­sa­tion to in­clude at­trib­ut­es such as trans­parency, pri­va­cy, col­lab­o­ration and even busi­ness ethics. These el­e­ments trans­form the con­ver­sa­tion from what "must" a com­pa­ny do to pre­vent neg­a­tive out­comes to what "should" a com-
pa­ny do. In many ways, trust in tech­nol­o­gy will be as im­por­tant as any in­no­va­tions in tech­nol­o­gy it­self.

For the ques­tion of our time is no longer if „tech­nol­o­gy can do this“ but if „tech­nol­o­gy should do this“. Ul­ti­mate­ly, I help com­pa­nies move from the com­mon­place "se­cu­ri­ty by de­sign" and „pri­va­cy by de­sign“ to "trust by de­sign" - the lead­ers al­ready be­gin de­vel­op­ing their cor­po­rate trust pro­gram build on eth­i­cal be­hav­ior now, be­fore their customers de­mand it. To en­able more or­ga­ni­za­tions to fol­low this path, I made it my works purpose to build “Trust in Tech” systematically.


1) Digital Identity and Trust software development (

As a co-founder of twinds, I help build advanced, trust-building technologies that combine the desire for more privacy, security and sovereignity with the increasing use of data.

2) Digital Trust Capacity Building and Advisory

From Digital Trust trainings and learning programms to concrete Digital Trust advisory, I guide companies and organizations on their way towards "trust by design". I do so in a network of partners, that bring a variety of know-how and expertise to the table, conceiving holistic Digital Trust strategies from vision generation, to measure definition, execution and measurement.

3) People and Digital Leadership

I help leaders evolve their leadership philosophy to include people, digital technologies and the tools for the transition ahead in an ever-changing world.

Contact me if you want to learn more: